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Classes We Offer

We offer classes in a wide range of styles.  We also have multiple days and times available to fit your families lifestyle. 

Class fees are charged by the dance season and are prorated through the September to May season (9 months divided equally).  Lesson fees are on a per month bases. Registration and 1st-month tuition is due at time of registration and is non-refundable.  Your card on file will be charged within a week of enrollment. 

Additional Information:

Some classes, days and times will fill quickly.  We do recommend that you register prior to our open house to ensure you get the day and time that works for you! Schedule subject to change based on enrollment. The class schedule is subject to change based on needs and enrollment.

Intrepid Dance Company reserves the right to convert to an online platform at any time per government recommendations. There is no refund or credit for canceled classes or classes that are moved to a virtual platform.

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Refund and Withdrawal Policy

Registration and recital fees are non-refundable, including any partial payments.  Costume fees, full or partial payments,  are also non-refundable.  Students who have paid their costume fees in full and withdraw from a class may pick up their costumes from the studio. Costumes will be held for 2 weeks after the recital and then donated to charity.  If a costume has not been paid in full, it will become the property of the studio until the balance is paid.  


Tuition-    A 30-day written notice is due to discontinue all lessons and all fees that occurred within that month are still due. Absences/failure to attend classes does not mean a child has withdrawn.  Tuition payments will continue to be charged until written notification. 

dance classes in crystal, mn

#ballet #jazz #tap #competitiondance, #crystaldancestudios




©2025  All Rights Reserved by Intrepid Dance Company. 

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